Friday 9 July 2010

Exciting times - come to our next meeting 7.30 22nd July at the Ramada Jarvis

Ok, you should feel hesitant about too many meetings (too much of a good thing and all that...) but there’s a lot to talk about.

Sally and I had a good meeting with Roger and Barbara from Stratford and we could do with sharing the plan for the possible land share that emerged.

I’ve had a suggestion for a meeting in North Solihull involvingCouncil, Regeneration and local people about making fuller use of some of their green space, and

We’ll have our two events to review and an Open space to start planning for.

Jayne’s also been emailing me with good thoughts about how we might market Transition in Solihull. We won’t have time to discuss it on the night – but I think it would be useful to talk about a longer planning session and perhaps get some dates booked.

So my suggestion is the 22nd, at 7.30. Assume the Ramada Jarvis unless you hear otherwise.

If you haven’t managed to make a meeting yet, you’d be very welcome – there are exciting things afoot – come and be part of it!

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck with the next meeting, please fill me in with minutes. I just got back from the 5 day Permaculture Design course in Glastonbury with Patrick and Cathy Whitefield and we had a group discussion about the transition movement. We're off to Stroud next week but look forward to staying in touch with you all.... :)
